Industrial Relations / Employment Relations (IR/ER)

Staff Grievance

UTAR expects and encourages superiors and their staff members to communicate openly and regularly to reduce the likelihood of misunderstanding and conflict. 

DHR will assist the staff in resolving the grievance which is defined as a complaint by a staff member which he brings to the attention of his superior and which is not settled to the satisfaction of the staff. 

The University has established a grievance procedure which is under the Handbook on HR Policies and Regulations, which can be viewed at the staff intranet under UTAR Policies - DHR.

Staff Discipline

UTAR expects its staff members to observe and practise acceptable standards of conduct and behaviours and to perform their duties and responsibilities to an appropriate standard of efficiency. Staff members are expected to adhere to the University's rules and procedures. 

The University will take disciplinary action against any staff in the event of any willful breach of contract of employment, misconduct, indiscipline, inefficiency or unsatisfactory performance after due inquiry. 

Where grounds are established and depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, indiscipline, inefficiency or unsatisfactory performance, any one or more of the following punishment may be meted out: 
Dismiss the staff without notice;  
Downgrade or demote the staff; 
Suspend the staff without pay for a specified duration; 
Cease increment and / or bonus for a specified duration; 
Issue verbal or written warning to the staff.

Disciplinary Action

The University will take disciplinary action against any staff member in the event of the following after a due inquiry process: 
Any willful breach of the contract of employment, or 
Any misconduct, or 
Any indiscipline, or 
Any inefficiency or unsatisfactory performance 

The Definition of the Misconduct is illustrated in the Handbook on HR Policies and Regulations, which can be viewed at the staff intranet under UTAR Policies - DHR.


Misconduct is defined as conduct by a staff member that is inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express or implied conditions of his service. Such act adversely affects a staff member's faithful discharge of his duties towards the University and includes improper behaviour, intentional wrong doing or violation of a rule or standard behaviour. 

Misconduct can be further categorised into Major Misconduct and Other Misconduct. A Major Misconduct is defined as intentional conduct which a staff member commits recklessly or without regard as to the result of his actions. A single act of any Major Misconduct may justify dismissal.